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to Fall

"What's the happiest day of the year? Many people might invariably says 'Christmas!' or 'The first day of vacation!' Children might insist, 'The last day of school!' For my part, it's the day we shut the air conditioner down for the season..."

A salute to my favorite season, with photos, links, and the nostalgic essay "Crazy About Color."


"Thanksgiving itself has nothing to do with ersatz Pilgrims and Indians and fat turkeys; they are rather symbols that have become as associated with the holiday as snowmen, Santa Claus, and reindeer have with the Christmas holidays..."

Thanksgiving's gotten lost in the shuffle—some words and memories before going on to Christmas.

to Winter

"It was the weatherman who started it. He indicated the map behind him, drawn with elegantly curved cold fronts and the inevitable image of a cloud with a frosty face blowing snow. "Three to six inches of snow expected..."

Snow day memories, winter poetry, the scent of gingerbread baking, snow images and more.


"The most splendid Christmas gift, the most marveled and magic, is the gift that has not yet been opened. Opaque behind wrapping or winking foil, it is a box full of possibilities. An unopened present might be anything...becoming whatever the recipient wishes...."

Gregg Easterbrook's wonderful Christmas Eve essay, Mom's terrific wine biscuit recipe, Christmas books, Christmas music, Christmas traditions, and more!

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